With recent pauses on health information, it has occurred to me that access to things we need to know may be getting hard to come by. I wrote some about that here.
From another vantage point, it may also be one of the more valuable aspects of prepping.
Having a library of books about general survival, survival specific to your area, and how to stay intact after a disaster are going to be a valuable addition to your supplies.
What’s on your bookshelf?
Attack Culture
I was reading an article on Medium this morning and when I decided to peruse the responses, I remembered exactly why I left that platform. The vitriol and violence of the attacks on the author was an ugly reminder of what that space has devolved to.
Most of the U.S. is in attack mode right now, so it’s not just limited to Medium. I lead a somewhat sheltered and insular life, so I had forgotten how vile people can be.
I have no desire to venture out among them and to experience in real life what has been limited to the cyberworld so far.
I do not like them,
I do not like them at all,
I do not like them in the summer,
and I do not like them in the fall.
Hiding in plain sight.
Another article was talking about how the author hated conspiracy theories and the people who spread them, but what if, among the conspiracy theories, there were ideas that were actually happening, but they were ignored because they were lumped in with all the other nutty ideas.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
A Giant Object May Have Warped our Solar System.
- Science News Today.
It absolutely doesn’t matter what the above article is about, it’s such a great, and appropriate to the times, title that it functions as a standalone statement.
Ice Road Truckers Redux.
I think there needs to be a new version of this show that is more applicable to today’s reality. Perhaps Melting Permafrost Road Truckers.
Because of the increasing prevalence of H5N1, a recent article stated that your backyard bird feeder should now be treated as a biothreat.
Why is it that people think that entertainers have anything of value to say. They don’t know more than we do and they’re often wrong. So maybe it’s time to stop paying attention to them.
The neverending why.
Always with the, “why this and why that.” Shut up already, because ultimately the why doesn’t matter. It used to, back when there was some sense that knowing the why would allow us to do something, but that ship has sailed.
Yours is not to question why
The end is nigh
And you may die
…and that’s all there is.
You don't make moral choices based on the outcomes you expect. You make them based on whether they’re right.
-Richard H. Mak
What would happen if a group of post-collapse children built a society based on old episodes of Mork and Mindy.
Why is it that everyone who argues in support of baby steps, working within the system, and voting for the lessor of two evils always complains, later, about what happens.
I have discovered that I am part Irish, part Italian, part Spanish Basque, part deviant, and part misanthrope which explains a lot.
The scariest thing about bad people it that they can sleep at night while the rest of us lie awake because of their actions.
You’re not on the spectrum, you’re just a dick. Try that out on the next person who tries to expalain away their bad behavior.
Revolutionary Motto.
We’re changing shit and if you don’t like it you can fuck off.
Simple, straightforward, and to the point.
Is now a good time?
I never thought that being part of the resistance would include resistance to a populaiton that, largely, doesn’t care.
You are not a compassionate person if you follow every expression of concern with, “but…”
I’m not okay with people having to choose between paying their bills and staying healthy.
This entry has ended up being a place where I can use all the bits and pieces that don’t have enough substance to get a post on their own.
"This entry has ended up being a place where I can use all the bits and pieces that don’t have enough substance to get a post on their own."
Sometimes the whole is no greater than the sum of its parts, and that's just fine.
Sometimes it's just good to let off a little steam